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Review of the Google Listing of the Top 100 MLM Companies

Review of the Google Listing of the Top 100 MLM Companies

Although multi level marketing is a disputed area in some quarters it is, nevertheless, a growing area with the top 100 mlm companies having a Google listing. Whatever you may think of this type of marketing it has to be said that many people find their attempts at network marketing very satisfactory.

Google uses its own page ranking system as well as an alphabetical system to list the top 100 mlm companies. The pr system is Google’s way of telling visitors that this site has plenty to recommend it and is worth a look.

At the top of the list of network marketing companies is Dorling Kindersley. Although the company is listed as selling children’s books but it also sells books for adults covering a range of subjects. Among the top 100 mlm companies listed are household names such as the Body Shop and Avon. These companies have been around for a long time and have an excellent reputation both for their products and their customer service.

What is really surprising about these listings is that well known companies such as those already mentioned have a page rank lower than Dorling Kindersley books – not sure whether this is because books are more popular than skincare and make up or whether it is because the Body Shop and Avon websites tend to attract women rather than men. Both men and women enjoy reading and if they have a family would probably find DK books have a great range aimed at children. This might explain the higher ranking that Google has given it. At the same time the company doesn’t seem to go out of its way to attract what anti-mlm pundits regard as unwary business men and women.

The top 100 mlm companies appear to be up front and offering viable opportunities to people who want to develop their own online business. Perhaps those who argue against network marketing would do well to pay more attention to network marketing as represented by the top 100 mlm companies – some of which have been around for a very long time (in any terms, not just online businesses, thirty plus years is a long time) and are still going strong.

If you are interested in finding out more about network marketing then you could do a lot worse than have a look through the top 100 mlm companies listed by Google. Some of these companies seem to go from strength to strength and are still sound business opportunities for those wishing to set up an online business. These businesses are obviously doing well to be listed in the top 100 mlm companies.