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Need and Importance of Effective Communication

Need and Importance of Effective Communication


“Identification is one of the key ingredients of effective communication. In fact, unless your listeners can identify with what you are saying and with the way you are saying it, they are not likely to receive and understand your message.”

Communication refers to exchange of views, ideas, thoughts, beliefs and feelings with the intention of conveying information from the sender to the receiver, through verbal or non verbal means. We communicate for numerous reasons like for sharing information, learning, consulting, for connecting with others, writing rules and regulations, giving advice, sharing values and mission, teaching, expressing our expectations/ creativity/ philosophy/ research work, selling of products/ services, for publicity, maintaining public relations and advertising, networking with people with common interest or even with Internal and External source of the organization.

A study conducted by North Carolina State University concluded that in most of the organization Communication Skills were considered more important than either technical knowledge or computer skills. This itself conveys the Importance of Communication in work place. Many experts explain Communication as ‘foundation of every relationship’s, ‘life blood of an organization’, ”life blood for a successful team’ etc.

The Importance of Effective Communication is discussed further: –
# The success of any business depends on a sound professional relationship between both parties and communication plays a crucial role in building, maintain and enhancing such relations.
# Communication doesn’t only include exchange of words but listening, understanding and interpreting are also a part of effective communication.
# Human Resource (HR) is the most important element in any organization. Managing ‘Man’ is the biggest challenge for the organization. Communication is the lubricant which keeps this resource moving throughout the organizational machinery since it involves communication at all levels – Vertical/ Horizontal/ Parallel/ Lateral and Diagonal.

Research has revealed that managers spend a great part of their work time in communication; they generally devote 6 hours per day in communication which includes both written and oral communication.

Top management uses Communication for Internal Sources to: –
 Communication provides effective guidance to the employees by informing them about their duties, responsibilities, authorities and the power they have to perform the task.
 To impart the organizational values, mission, vision, goals, objectives to the workforce.
 They also use communication for implementation of the short and long term goals of the organization.
 Communication enables adequate flow of information for effective decision making and problem solving.
 Communication provides a channel through which the employees can give and receive ideas, view, suggestions, opinions, feedbacks etc for the growth and development of the organization.
 Communication enables the management to get feedback about their products/ services from the existing and potential customers.
 No communication or even lack of communication can create confusion and misunderstanding leading to undesirable outcomes, poor performance and low employee morale.
 Management explains their financial plans, operational structure, job expectations, work ethics, corporate social responsibilities, remuneration system, rules, regulations and policies and even provides training and development to the middle and lower level of hierarchy.
 Writing financial reports for directors and shareholders to inform and intimate them about the company’s progress and future plans.
 Communication enables messages to reach to the target audience and get appropriate feedback from them.

For External Sources communication is required for the following reasons: –

 Finding prospective investors.
 Obtaining permits/ licenses.
 Dealing with buyers/ agents/ dealers and suppliers.
 Building long term relationships with the existing customers/ clients.
 Finding new prospective customers/ clients.
 Building healthy relationships with government agencies/ bodies/ organizations.
 Enhancing relationships with media and NGO’s (Non Governmental Organizations).
 Building a congenial relationship with stakeholders and general society at large.

However, it is often observed that the best way to communicate with Internal and External source is through establishing an open door organizational culture, collaborative sharing and supporting management which helps to create a safe and healthy environment.