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Fix Testing Protocol – PhiFIX Test Suite

Fix Testing Protocol – PhiFIX Test Suite

Fix Testing Protocol | PhiFIX Test Suite

PhiFIX Test Suite is a complete FIX Testing Protocol and Simulation Software for capital markets which reduce dependencies and cost associated with the complex deployments of FIX-based trading platforms. PhiFIX Test Suite can be deployed in a client and server mode. It is a collaborative tool inbuilt FIX Protocol – Testing Accelerator & Simulator, test design, and Scripting test cases builder which can run from interactive GUI mode.

PhiFIX Test Suite for Buy-Side firms, Sell-Side firms, Venues, and Intermediaries. It performs PTS enables clients to concentrate on their core activities through a platform based licensing approach making it faster, sharper and smarter way of running FIX connectivity.

• It showcases Multi-Session capabilities, cross-platform testing and connectivity testing that helps measure the performance of Buy-Side and Sell-Side Institutions

• FIX protocol customization allows the user to tailor-make FIX Dialects with ease for all FIX versions.

• Inclusive of Regression and Performance testing, the system also supports various levels of constancy and Load Testing.

• A reliable test automation software for capital market industry providing a robust and bespoke business level message validation, with extensive script automation and vast testing scenarios.

• Phifix suite conditional logic allows users to configure dynamic test cases with the help of PhiFIX’s capital market FIX engine

• FIX Exchange Simulation facilitates user to get a clear perspective of their trading counterparties.

• Interactive Import and Export functionality allows this fix protocol testing tool to generate reports across various formats including HTML, PDF, XLS, CSV, etc.

• Supports import plugins for different FIX testing tools

Key Features

Adaptable Suite:

PTS enables all the Buy Side firms, Sell Side firms and Exchange for Multiple connectivity behavioral testing, various FIX scenarios testing, regression scenarios automation, performance testing including load, stress and endurance testing for various FIX systems

Complete FIX Supportive:

Every client has the unique trading workflow and they use different protocol versions, however PTS can be supportive to all firms. It supports all FIX versions from 4.x to 5.x.

Generation of Reports:

Users can generate reports from the testing Suite in multiple formats like pdf, HTML, excel. This helps Clients to retrieve specific data on a particular cases according to their trading environment. By generating Reports clients can also analyze the history of test runs and compare results as per the trading environment

Customized FIX Dialects:

In order to get adapted to all trading environment, PTS has a unique feature called FIX dialects. Using FIX Dialects, clients can customize any new logs or messages and Pre load it into the FIX Libraries.

Numerous Test Executions:

PTS has the ability to test multiple executions. It String together lists of test cases (scenarios) and watch them execute in real time. Run multiple tests through multiple sessions concurrently This also helps clients to test, Validate and maintain multiple connections.

Imports FIX logs:

Import and replay logs at user-defined speeds to recreate production problems. PTS also communicates directly with your FIX engine to test message delivery, reception and processing. PTS also has the provision to import and export test cases of its own as well as other testing tools.

Data Driven Testing:

It has the ability to Import reference data from system and validating system integrity. This is achieved by executing the test cases using the same reference data by uncomplicated data-driven scenarios.

Comprehensive test Validation:

It executes both the positive and negative test cases after validating the messages with the FIX Engine. This enables clients for testing complicated scenarios using message validation.

User Friendly:

Simply transferable Scenarios and Performance analysis Playlist by managing Projects and Workspaces Easy to use and also Rich User Interface to watch and analyze results.

Business Benefits

  • Saves time
  • Reduced costs
  • Trimming post protection defects
  • Adapating to dynasism