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The Myth of Atlantis

The Myth of Atlantis

Human cultures have always imagined a time and place in which human civilization was at its finest and highest level of achievement. Such imaginings have come in the visions of the Garden of Eden, Shangri-La, Camelot, and many others. Can it be that somewhere in time, at some distant indeterminate place human civilization reached a zenith of paradise proportions? Yes, answers Edgar Cayce, “America’s Greatest Psychic,” as reported by his son, Edgar Evans Cayce, in the latter’s fascinating and insightful book, “Edgar Cayce On Atlantis” (Under the Editorship of Hugh Lynn Cayce, NY: Warner Books 1968).

Edgar Evans culls information from scores of “readings” given by his father over a period of some twenty years between 1924 and 1944. For those who are not familiar with Edgar Cayce, the Preface to the book gives a vivid snapshot. A more detailed portrait is painted in the insightful work, “The Story of Edgar Cayce: ‘There Is A River’,”by Thomas Sugrue, 1997, 1942, A.R.E. Press. Additional and updated information can be found at the Cayce Foundation website.

The Myth of Atlantis was first seared into human consciousness by Plato in the Fifth Century B.C.E. According to Evans’ report, Atlantis was said by Plato to be “a large island in the Atlantic which sank in a volcanic catastrophe some nine thousand years previously.” Edgar Cayce’s readings indicate that what Plato reported was the last phase of the destruction of Atlantis. Expanding Plato’s account, the psychic’s readings indicate that people existed on Atlantis as far back as 10 million years B.C.E. And soon was inhabited by the Sons of the Law of One – spiritual beings; and the Sons of Belial who abandoned their spiritual existence for materiality – eventually creating “things or slaves.” Evans speculates that these things may have been part human and part animal.

It was due to the conflict between the Sons of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial that the first destruction of the world and parts of Atlantis happened some time before 50,000 B.C.E. The second destruction occurred around 28,000 B.C.E. when Atlantis was broken up into several islands. The final devastation came as described by Plato when Atlantis sank to the bottom of the Atlantic and disappeared.

Atlantis was a highly advanced civilization. Evans reports that according to many of the readings of Edgar Cayce, Atlantis:

1. Had instruments similar to laser or maser;
2. Had electricity and probably atomic power;
3. Its people could travel by air; and
4. Its people could travel underwater.

Ultimately, it was the misuse of this technology which led to the demise of Atlantis and which offers the strongest argument why modern inhabitants of planet earth ought to be concerned with the rise and fall of Atlantis. Evans argues that “In the last fifty years there has been more scientific advancement than in all recorded history.” However, despite these advances, the “things” of Atlantis “have returned to haunt the world in the underprivileged, uneducated, uncared-for masses of humanity.” Like the people of Atlantis, we have amassed vast degrees of power which we have thus far chosen to use for destruction rather than for the good of all humanity.

Atlantis offers a pattern for what is happening in the world today. Whether or not one believes in reincarnation, one thing is quite clear according to Evans, “The urges,talents, and abilities of Atlanteans are manifested in individuals today.” Consequently, “the future of our nation [and the world] will probably be determined by the ideals of its citizens and their attitudes toward one another.” This statement is most prophetic, if not an indictment, given that the majority of the world’s conflicts are caused and fueled by differences of person and belief. Like our forbears, the Atlanteans, we are fighting our way along the road of destruction.

What Evans hopes will be achieved in part in writing his book is for all of the world’s people to awaken to the truth that If humanity, “on a national and individual level – can become aware of [humanity’s] true nature [as a spiritual being and child of God] and … relationship to God [humanity] may be able to avoid repeating past mistakes.”

Evans writes with a flair of optimism even though his book was written in the same year as the deaths of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy, as well as the raging conflict in Vietnam. He leaves no doubt that while Atlantis offers a prophecy of doom for us if we continue on our present course, Atlantis also offers us opportunity and hope. The choice rests with us which future we will choose.

In addition to the question why we should care about Atlantis, the other question which emerges from the book is why should we believe the readings of Edgar Cayce? Evans does not shy away from this question. On the contrary, he embraces the question and offers a persuasive array of evidence to prove the reliability of other Cayce Readings and argues by analogy that if Cayce was right on so many other geological, archaeological,and other matters, then most probably Cayce is right about Atlantis.

Perhaps. Given the number of readings given by Edgar Cayce, over 2,500, the law of large numbers holds that some of the readings are bound to be proven true. Moreover, as is the case with most prophetic utterances, the truth often lies in the interpretation. Nevertheless, “Edgar Cayce on Atlantis” is well worth the cost and the time needed to read the book. In the midst of wars and rumors of wars and a faltering world economy, we need all the help we can get.