While creating mobile websites a lot of things have to be kept in mind, both in the areas of hardware and software. Unless, you are familiar with both, you will be unable to create a great mobile website. There are hundreds of companies in the mobile world and thousands of handsets enter the marketplace every other day. Every handset has different features when it comes to size of the screen, the resolution, the user interface or the operating system. If you keep a few important points in mind while creating mobile websites, you will be able to enhance both its look and functionality.
Platform Compatibility Check – If you are designing a website, its compatibility with the various available operating systems like Windows, Symbian Os, Blackberry platform, Mobile Linux, iphone platform etc. has to be taken into consideration. Create mobile websites that are compatible with various platforms.
Browser compatibility check – Just like numerous operating systems, there are numerous browsers like internet explorer mobile (used by windows based mobile phones) android browser (used by android phones), Black berry browser (used on black berry phones) and so on. When you create websites, keep in consideration a generic size so that it is compatible with most of the phones (given that screen resolution of various handsets differs).
Markup has to be up to the mark -Mobile browsers are very different from the common browsers used on the computers and do not give any relaxation when it comes to code validation. So, considering the numerous browsers and platforms utilized by people, the code validates have to be kept completely clean and to a minimum while you create mobiles website.
Keeping the look similar to the standard site – There are many users who are so familiar with the standard version of the website that seeing it in a different look frustrates them to the core. This is as true for users of standard mobile phones as it is for users of advances phones such as iphones or smart phones. You can provide a lighter version of the website with similar look and feel for users of standard mobile phones to ensure that their viewing experience is good. So, while you create website, always provide an option or a link to the users wherein they can view the full site or a lighter version.
Minimal two way scrolling & use of images
Always take care to use only one scroller and that too a vertical one, while creating mobile websites. Scrolling vertically and horizontally would certainly get on the users nerves. The same is true in the case of images. It is important to keep the images low in number and size as this could affect the loading process of the website adversely.
These are some of tips and strategies to be kept in mind, while you create mobiles website, so that your website could be an ultimate one, when it comes to functionality & space management. So go ahead, create that dream mobile website.
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