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Classroom Teachers Need Fun Educational Christmas Activities For Holiday Homework Assignments

Classroom Teachers Need Fun Educational Christmas Activities For Holiday Homework Assignments

Christmas comes at a time when it is important to keep the curriculum gong strong, but it is also necessary to give students a break. Teachers might include homework assignments that use fun educational Christmas activities and not have to worry about losing forward progress. Most teachers take the time to create some of these on their own, others will benefit from buying activities to download.

Here is a helpful list teachers can use when choosing fun educational Christmas activities to create, purchase or download as a printable worksheets or games:

  1. Word Search Puzzles-Create these with programs found online or use graph paper to customize them yourself. Printable puzzles are easily purchased online, downloaded and saved. Make sure the words used are at the reading level of your students. Boost vocabulary with word search puzzles by including ways students are required to use the words independently.
  2. Fill in the Blank Word Puzzles This sort of fun Christmas activity might be unscrambling letters to make words, or secret messages that can be solved. Students have another opportunity to build and practice their vocabulary during an in class review or orally reciting a sentences as they review their homework assignments in class.
  3. Math Worksheets– Christmas math worksheets are often just pages decorated with candy canes or stockings and possibly a secret word. Christmas math homework could include something different that needs reviewed or a touch up like place value, or factors or review of order of operations. Look for quality fun math games and activities to use as a fun Christmas homework assignments.
  4. Writing Prompts– Teachers are always searching for different variety of prompts to use for writing assignments. Motivating writing prompts on a festive holiday templates are an essential resource to have on hand for classroom and holiday homework.
  5. Story Starters- Christmas is perfect timing to put those plot charts lessons to good use use and have children write their own holiday story, with characters, conflict, the climax and a resolution. Using holiday graphic organizers to help plan the plot elements ahead of time is a good motivator. This is a perfect long term assignment, with the story due during Christmas week.
  6. Logic Puzzles and Mazes- Logic puzzles requiring students to solve mysteries or plan ahead when making moves to win games are a simple yet effective way to get students to use their problem solving skills. Mazes are an excellent form of problem solving activity that is disguised as fun!many of these sorts of homework assignments are games can involve the family as well.

Christmas comes each year whether teachers like it or not. As the month of December progresses, then it gets harder to keep students focused. Having some fun educational Christmas activities to use as holiday homework assignments may be the perfect thing to tap into their excitement and energy, and hopefully help keep their brains focused on some academics.