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5 Possible Keys To Address Inflationary Trends!

5 Possible Keys To Address Inflationary Trends!

For a variety of reasons, the United States, as well as nearly, all of the rest of the world, are experiencing the highest rate/ pace of inflation, in recent memory! Some of this is related to the ramifications, of the pandemic, and the associated shutdowns, and other financial matters! Some pre – dated that, and perhaps, was a result of the so – called, tax reform legislation, passed towards the end of 2017, which, instead of, predominantly, benefiting the middle – class, as promoted, benefited to wealthiest individuals, and largest, richest corporations. It is estimated, this created, in excess of a trillion dollars, of deficit, and, once – again, demonstrated, the fallacy of, trickle – down economics! Another factor is related to Supply – Chain, issues, and challenges, resulting from a variety of issues, in the past couple of years. Still, another significant factor, is probably related to an unprecedented – period of historically – low, interest rates, which allowed companies, and individuals, to get, cheap money! Others look – to, the ramifications, resulting from necessary, government subsidies, and supports, during, challenging times! With, that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 potential keys, to addressing, and handling, inflationary trends.

1. Tighten money supply: Traditionally, the Federal Reserve responds to inflation, by tightening money supply! They stop using and, thus, curb, bond – buybacks, and raise interest rates! However, in these, trying times, this option creates additional risks to an, already – weak, overall economy!

2. Address Supply Chain: Most economists will tell – you, Supply and Demand, is one of the most significant, economic concepts! This has been threatened by several factors, including: challenges to receiving products/ Supply Chain obstacles/ disruptions; apparent – changes to many people’s concept of their personal employment/ jobs; and balancing a variety of needs! President Biden has attempted to reduce this disruption, by opening the Port of Los Angeles, round – the – clock, and getting large – shippers, such as Federal Express, United Parcel Service, Amazon, Walmart, etc, to prioritize, transporting products, from this port, at a far – faster pace! More needs to be done, and we will see, how this impacts inflation!

3. Pressure corporations: The government needs to pressure significant, major corporations, to cooperate, to a larger degree, and, help ease this situation! If it can, it will help, achieve necessary results, but, we must, wait – and – see, what is, actually done, instead of rhetoric and promises!

4. Bring together for the greater good: Attempts to address this issue, have been accentuated, by the political game, of blaming and complaining, rather than seeking a meeting – of – the – minds, for the greater – good, which brings us, together, in a more, united way! When, even, addressing, infrastructure, is handled, as a political issue, we know, the challenge, is great!

5. Price subsidies: Is there a need for price subsidies, at least, regarding, certain essentials, such as gasoline prices, utility costs, and groceries, etc? Or, would that, merely, be, another, short – term, fix, which may create undesirable ramifications?

We need to address inflation, sooner, rather than later! Will you demand, from elected officials, more responsible, responsive, well – considered, timely behavior, and actions?